How Do You Tell A Woman You Still Love Her When She Has Broken Up With You

It's kind of peculiar how people will expect that their deep feelings of love will just disappear the moment that a relationship dissolves. You know better than that. When you really feel that way about someone, it does not just go away. It lingers. It's still there and you know it. You know it because of the way that you feel when you hear her name. You know it because of the way that you feel when you hear her favorite song come on the radio. You even know it when you see her walking by and it feels like your heart is breaking.

How do you tell a woman you love her when she is the one who ended the relationship with you?
You don't. Not right away. It might feel good to imagine what it would be like to tell her that this is how you feel about her. You might picture her in your mind melting from hearing you say those three words to her. You might even feel like that was all you had to do in order to keep her. However, the way that you see it happening in your mind is not always the way that it will happen in real life.
"I love you" is not that powerful when it's not what she wants to hear.

Timing plays a big role in the way that a woman responds when she hears a guy say those words to her. When you say it at the right time, she will melt. However, when you say it at the wrong time, those words can sound hallow and meaningless. Kind of like you are reaching out for anything that you can possibly say to her to make her come back to you.

You don't want to give her that impression.
It's okay to still feel like you have love for someone that you were in a relationship with. You need to wait for the right time to tell them that is the way that you feel. So, how do you make it the right time? She needs to feel attracted to you again. She needs to feel like YOU are the one guy that she needs to hear those words from. If you can make her feel that way again - that is when the time will be right for you to tell her that you still love her. Not a moment before.

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