is it Right to Love?

Life goes on, no matter what, and so shall we. Finding and loosing things and people is an integral part of human life and ceasing to live life just because you lost someone or something is the worst utilization of an amazing gift given to us by god, called life. Life should not stop for a thing or person as it is not them who lead your life, it is you who leads it and so stop thinking about them whom you lost and move on. Girls being the most sensitive creature on the planet often face such a situation where they ask themselves the question, "how do I move on after infidelity, as I have lost the only one I love."

The main problem arises when they say "I have lost the love of my life, and I still love him so much". The main problem here is that the girl is not ready to overcome the situation. Just asking everyone how do I move on after infidelity when I am so unhappy and pained is a dumb way to say that you are trying to overcome the situation when actually you are not. The real effort would mean that you are really trying to forget him and move on with your life. Is it so? Ask yourself if saying my boyfriend is lying to me is going to help in any way. It is not actually. The thing that is going to help is a real effort. Go on embrace your independence. When was the last time that you were so independent and free to go or do as you liked without any consultation.

Life is not all about a single person, it is about a lot of people who love you and whom you love, and so should not be wasted on mourning for one person. Yes, the person might have been a very important part of your life, but that does not give you a reason to throw away your life for him and forget those who have been around you all your life just to have your back. And an effort on your end to forget the situation and have their back just for a change might mean a lot to them. So go on try something like this and see how good it feels.

I have always met people and mostly girls who say how do I move on after infidelity when my boyfriend has been unfaithful and my boyfriend is lying to me, but then is it just his fault that the relationship didn't work? Were you completely true on your end? It might not be just you who is hurt, he might be in a similar situation when you say I am so unhappy and pained because I still love him so much. Just think that he might be in a similar situation and forgive him for whatever happened. This might ease up your pain and then try to move on. Go on exercise, travel, do whatever you have been wishing to do all these years and you might feel a lot better.

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